
Cele mai relevante lucrări științifice publicate în reviste de specialitate:


Zagrai, L., Zagrai I., Guzu G., Roșu-Mareș S., Moldovan C. 2024. Is symptomatology reliable tool for plum pox virus monitoring? Scientific Papers. Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. Vol. LXVIII(1), 238-243.

Zagrai, I., Zagrai L.A. 2023. Are D and Rec strains of Plum pox virus similar or different in terms of competitiveness and symptomatology? Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51(4):13526 DOI:10.15835/nbha51413526

Zagrai, I., Zagrai L, Guzu G. 2023. HoneySweet transgenic plum has a neutral effect on diversity and dynamics aphid population under temperate continental climate conditions. Fruit Growing Research Pitești-Mărăcineni, XXIX: DOI 10.33045/fgr.v39.2023.15

Zagrai, L., I. Zagrai, Guzu, G., Roșu-Mareș, S., Moldovan, C. 2022. Assessment of the viral infections occurrence in new established plum and sweet cherry orchards in Transylvania, Romania. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 50(2), 12734. DOI:10.15835/nbha50212734

Zagrai, L., Zagrai, I., Roșu-Mareș, S., Guzu, G., Moldovan, C., Jakab-Ilyefalvi, Z., Șofron, A. 2022. The phytoviral status of some new established sweet cherry orchards in Moldova region, Romania. Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. LXVI(1): 217-220.

Zagrai, L., I. Zagrai, G. Guzu, C. Moldovan. 2022. Towards a widening of Romanian nuclear-stock plum varieties. Bulletin UASMV, Horticulture 79(1): 86-91. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15835/buasvmcn-hort:2021.0042

Zagrai L, I. Zagrai, R. Scorza, M. Ravelonandro, C. Dardick, G. Guzu, 2021. Assessment of agronomic performance of PPV resistant ‘HoneySweet' transgenic plum in ecological conditions of the Northern Romania. Romanian Journal of Horticulture, II, 2021: 49-56. 10.51258/RJH.2021.06.

Zagrai, I., L. Zagrai, G. Guzu, C. Moldovan, S. Roșu-Mareș, A. Șofron, 2021. Virus infections in new plum orchards from Moldova, Romania. Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. Vol. LXV (1): 292-296.

Vidal, E., L. Zagrai, T. Malinowski, G. Soika, W. Warabieda, E. Tasheva-Terzieva, S. Milusheva, I. Zagrai, I.  Kamenova, V. Bozhkova, C. Martinez, M. Cambra-Lopez, M. Cambra, 2020. Statistical model for Plum pox virus prediction in Prunus nursery blocks using vector and virus incidence data in four different European ecological areas. Ann Appl Biol. 2020: 177: 308-324. doi:10.1111/aab.12617.

Zagrai, I., Zagrai, L.A., Ravelonandro, M., Scorza, R., Jakab, Z., Guzu, G. 2020. Assessment on the potential decrease of insecticide treatments against aphids in 'HoneySweet' plum (Prunus domestica (L.)) plantings. Acta Hortic. 1269, 185-190. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1269.25. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1269.25

Zagrai, L.A., Zagrai, I. , Guzu, G. 2020. Evaluation of some Prunus rootstocks to natural infection to Plum pox virus in endemic area. Acta Hortic. 1269, 97-104. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1269.13. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1269.13

Zagrai, L., I. Zagrai, 2020. Further Evidence of Durable Resistance in Honeysweet Transgenic Plum under Natural Infection with D and Rec Strains of Plum pox virus.  Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. Vol. LXIV, No. 1, 2020: 204-209.

Zagrai, I., L.  Zagrai,  G. Guzu, 2020. Assesment of phytoviral status of some new plum orchards established in Iasi County, Romania. Bulletin UASMV, Horticulture 77(2): 155-158.

Zagrai, L., I. Zagrai, 2020. Comparative evaluation of Eurytoma schreineri Schr. attack frequency on transgenic and two conventional plum varieties. Bulletin UASVM, Horticulture 77(1): 159-161.

Stănică, F., I. Zagrai, A. Feștilă, G. Zuccherelli, K. Zuccherelli, D. Neri, G. Murri, F. Massetani, L. Zagrai, I. Platon, 2019. Propagation and field tests of ‘BN 4 Kr' - a promising sharka resistant rootstock. Acta Hortic., 1260, 203-208. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1260.32

Zagrai, I., Zagrai, L., Butac, M. 2015. A Preliminary Evaluation Towards Identification Of New Potential Sources For PPV Resistance In European PlumActa Hort. (ISHS) 1063:129-136.

Zagrai Ioan, Zagrai Luminița . 2015. A nuclear-stock plum collection established at Fruit Research&Development Station Bistrița, Romania. Bulletin UASVM, Horticulture Cluj-Napoca 72(1):

Vidal, E., L. Zagrai, S. Milusheva, V. Bozhkova, E. Tashevaterzieva, I. Kamenova, I. Zagrai, M. Cambra, 2013 -Horticultural mineral oil treatments in nurseries during aphid flights reduce Plum pox virus incidence under different ecological conditions. Ann Appl Biol 162: 299-308.

Zagrai Luminita, I. Zagrai, V. Isac, C. Plopa, I. Baias. 2013. New results for obtaining nuclear-stock plum material. Analele Universitatii din Craiova Seria Biologie, Horticultura, Tehnologia Prelucrarii Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului, Vol. XVII (LIV): 365-370.

Zagrai, L.A., I. Zagrai, L. Levy, V. Mavrodieva, A. Festila, I. Baias, 2012 – Large scale survey on Plum pox virus of cultivated and wild cherry in Romania.PETRIA Giornale di Patologica delle Piante, vol 22(3), 2012: 254-260.

Zagrai, I., L. Zagrai, G. Labonne, S. Dallot, A. Festila, I. Baias, 2012 -Preliminary evaluation of the competitiveness of PPV-Rec and PPV-D under field conditions. PETRIA Giornale di Patologica delle Piante, vol 22(3), 2012: 233.

Zagrai I., Ravelonandro M., Gaboreanu I., Ferencz B., Scorza R., Zagrai L., Kelemen B.Pamfil D., Popescu O. 2011.Transgenic Plums Expressing the Plum PoxVirus (PPV) Coat Protein Gene Do Not Assist the Development of PPV Recombinants Under Field Conditions. Journal of Plant Pathology 93 (1), 159-165.

Zagrai Luminita, I. Zagrai, L. Levy, V. Mavrodieva, A. Festila, I. Baias, 2011. A preliminary survey on Plum pox virus on Cherry in Romania. Bulletin UASVM, Horticulture 68(1)/2011: 517.

Zagrai I., M. Ravelonandro, Luminita Zagrai, R. Scorza, N. Minoiu, 2011. Overview of the Investigations of Transgenic Plums in RomaniaActa Horticulturae899/2011: 153-158.

Zagrai Ioan, Zagrai Luminita , Silvia Preda, Beatrice Ferencz, Ioana Petricele, Doru Pamfil, Octavian Popescu, Maria Isac, 2010. Genetic diversity of Plum pox virus Isolates in Muntenia, Romania. Romanian Biotechnology Letters, vol. 15 (3): 5303-5309.

Zagrai Ioan, Luminita Zagrai , Beatrice Kelemen, Ioana Petricele, Doru Pamfil, Octavian Popescu, Silvia Preda, Alexandru Briciu, 2010. Typing and distribution of Plum pox virus isolates in RomaniaJulius-Kuhn-Archiv, 427: 342-346.

Zagrai Ioan , Luminita Zagrai, Silvia Preda, Maria Isac, Eugen Cardei, 2010. Incidence of Plum Pox Virus in Romanian Plum Orchards. Bulletin UASVM, Horticulture 67(1-2)/2010:488.

Zagrai Luminita, Ioan Zagrai, Angela Festila, 2010. Monitoring of Aphid Species Landing in Prunus Nursery Plot from Bistrita AreaBulletin UASVM, Horticulture67(1-2)/2010: 489.

Zagrai Ioan, Luminita Zagrai, Angela Festila, Zsolt Jakab , Doina Clapa. 2010. Preliminary Results for Obtaining Nuclear-Stock Plum Material in Romania.Bulletin UASVM, Horticulture 67(1-2)/2010: 173-178.

Zagrai I., Zagrai Luminita , Beatrix Ferencz, Petricele Ioana, D. Pamfil, O. Popescu, Briciu A, Festila Angela, 2009.Serological and molecular typing of Plum poxvirus isolates in the Transylvania, RomaniaNotulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj, 37 (1): 265-272.

Zagrai Luminita, Ioan Zagrai, Ioana Petricele, Beatrice Kelemen, Doru Pamfil, Octavian Popescu, Alexandru Briciu, Angela Festila, 2009. Serological and Molecular Typing of Plum pox Virus Isolates in the Moldavia, RomaniaBulletin UASVM, Horticulture 66(1-2)/2009: 241-248.

Zagrai Ioan, Luminita Zagrai, Ligia Ion, 2009. Comparative Assessment of Different Plum Varieties to Artificial Inoculation with D and Rec. Strains of Plum PoxVirusBulletin UASVM, Horticulture 66(1-2)/2009: 249-254.

Zagrai I ., Capote N., Ravelonandro M., Cambra M., Zagrai L., Scorza R., 2008. Plum pox virus silencing of C5 transgenic plums is stable under challenge inoculation with heterologous viruses. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90(1): 63-71.

Zagrai Luminita, Zagrai I., Beatrix Ferencz, Gaboreanu Ioana, Kovacs Katalin, Petricele Ioana, Popescu O, Pamfil D., Capote Nieves. 2008. Serological and molecular typing of Plum pox virus isolates in the North of Romania. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90(1): 41-46.

Zagrai Luminita, I. Zagrai. 2008. Non-transmission of Plum pox virus D and Rec strains through seeds in plum. Bulletin UASVM, Horticulture 65(1): 523.

Zagrai I, M. Ravelonandro, R. Scoza, N. Minoiu, Zagrai Luminita. 2008. Field release of transgenic plums in RomaniaBulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnology, 65(1-2): 523.

Zagrai I., Zagrai L., Ravelonandro M., Scorza R., 2008. Stability of protection to Sharka of C5 transgenic plums inoculated with Plum Pox Virus and heterologous virusesScientific Papers of Horticulture (USAMV Bucuresti), Serie B, vol. LI: 412-422.

Zagrai, I., Zagrai, L., Ravelonandro, M., Gaboreanu, I., Pamfil, D., Ferencz, B., Popescu, O., Scorza, R., Capote, N. 2008.Environmental impact assessment of transgenic plums on the diversity of Plum pox virus populations. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 781:309-318.

Zagrai, I, Ravelonandro, M., Scorza, R., Gaboreanu Ioana, Ferencz Beatrix, Popescu, O., Pamfil, D., Zagrai Luminita, Maxim, A. 2007.Serological and Molecular Variability of Plum Pox Virus In Transgenic and Conventional Plums. Acta Horticultuarae 738:703-710.

Zagrai Luminita, Zagrai I, Ferencz Beatrix, Popescu O. Petricele Ioana, Gaboreanu Ioana, Kovacs Katalin, Pamfil D., Capote Nieves, 2007.Serological and Genetic Diversity of Plum Pox Virus Isolates in Bistrita Area. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale USAMV Bucuresti Horticultura, seria B, vol. L: 421-428.

Scorza, R., Hily, J.M., Callahan Ann, Malinovki, T., Cambra, M., Capote Nieves, Zagrai, I., Damsteegt, V., Briard, P., Ravelonandro, M. 2007. Deregulation of Plum Pox Resistant Transgenic Plum "HoneySweet"Acta Horticultuarae no. 738: 669-674.

Fuchs, M., Cambra, M., Capote, N., Kundu, J., Laval, V., Martelli. G.P., Minafra, A., Petrovic, N., Pfeiffer, P., Pompe, N.M., Ravelonandro, M., Saldarelli, P., Stussi, G.C., Vigne, E., Zagrai, I. 2007- Safety Assessment of Transgenic Plums and Grapevines Expressing Viral Coat Protein Genes: New Insights Into Real Environmental Impact of Perenial Plants Engineered for Virus Resistance Journal of Plant Pathology, 89 (1), 5-12.

Zagrai I., Gaboreanu Ioana, Ferencz Beatrix, Zagrai Luminita, Pamfil D., Popescu, O., Ravelonandro, M., Capote Nieves, Kovacs Katalin 2006.First detection and molecular characterization of Plum pox virus recombinant strain in Romania. Bulletin of UASMV, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnologies. Vol. 62: 291-298.

Isac, M., Zagrai, I. 2006. Current status of Plum pox virus and sharka disease worldwide – Plum pox virus (PPV) in Romania. Bulletin OEPP, vol.36, no. 2, pg. 213.