Cele mai relevante lucrări științifice publicate în reviste de specialitate
Setras Radu, Ropan G., Platon Ioan 2006 - Cercetari privind ameliorarea marului pentru rezistenta fructelor la transport si manipulare. Lucrari stiintifice anul XLVII vol. 1(49) seria horticultura – Editura „ Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, pag. 49-54.
Platon I . 2007. Preliminary results on planting systems and densitz trials in apple orchard, Acta Horticulturae no. 732: 471-474
Platon I ., Jakab Zs., 2008. The influence of planting density on the growing and bearing processes at Florina and Generos cultivars. Bulletin UASVM Cluj Napoca, Horticulture 65(1): 296-300.
Jakab-I. Zs ., Platon I., Gansca Lucia. 2009- Researches concerning the pheromonal control of summer fruit tortrix moth (Adoxophyes orana . Hb) using the biotechnique “Attract and kill” - Bulletin UASMV Cluj Napoca Nr. 66 (1-2) /2009, pg. 633-640
Platon I., Jakab-I. Zs ., Lazar C. 2009- Evaluation and expertise of the edaphic-climatic factors in “Expert” system in the conditions of Bistrita, at apple (Malus domesctica, Borkh) - Bulletin UASMV Cluj Napoca . Nr. 66 (1-2) /2009, pg. 195-203
Platon I., Jakab-I. Zs . 2009- Comportarea unor soiuri de mar romanesti altoite pe portaltoiul M9 in sistem de mare densitate , la SCDP Bistrita. Lucrarile stiintifice ale Institututlui de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Pomicultura Pitesti, Maracineni, Vol. XXV. Ed. INVEL Multimedia, Bucuresti, ISSN 1584-2231.
Hristina Kutinkova, Vasiliy Dyhuvinov, Radoslav Kostadinov, Veselin Arnaudev, Ivan Terzier, Ioan Platon, Smaranda Rosu Mares. 2009- Scientific works of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulturae and Lithuanian University of Agriculturae, 28 (4): 19-26.
Hristina Kutinkova, Vasiliy Dyhuvinov, Ioan Platon, Smaranda Rosu Mares. 2009 – Field Monitoring of Codling Moth, Cydia pomomella L (Lepidoptera,Tortricidae) by Pheromone Traps in Bulgaria and Romania. Acta Hoticulturae 825: 371-376.
Stanica, F., Platon, I., 2011- Effects of tree planting system on apple tree growth and production.Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, rootstock and Environmetal Physiology in Orchard systems, Acta Horticulturae, Number 903, vol. 2, pg. 651-656.
Platon, I .,Stanica, F., 2011- Effects on two planting systems on Florina and Generos apple trees grafted on M26rootstock. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, rootstock and Environmetal Physiology in Orchard systems, ActaHorticulturae, Number 903, vol. 1, pg. 633-640.
Platon Ioan , Zsolt Jakab - The influence of the climatic factors on the development and yield capacity of some apple varieties cultivated in high density orchard system. „Scientific papers, Series.B, Horticulture, Vol. LVI, 2012 ISSN2285-5653, ISSN-L 2285-565
Zsolt Jakab , Ioan Platon , 2012. Fireblight ( Erwinia amylovora) susceptibility of some apple varieties. The 2nd International Workshop on the Environment & Agriculture in Arid and Semiarid regions. Constanta, September 6-7, 2012. Book of abstracts, pp. 33. Proceedings of The 2nd International Workshop of The Environment & Agriculture In Arid and Semiarid Regions. Ed. EstFalia Bucuresti. Pag: 189-194
Zsolt Jakab , Ioan Platon, Angela Festila , 2012- Fireblight susceptibility of some pear varieties (Erwinia amylovora, Burill) Proceedings RIFG Pitesti, volume 2012, Pag: 50
Jakab-Ilyefalvi,Zs.,Festila,Angela,Platon,I., 2013. Comparative study of two bench grafting methods at apple (Malus domestica, Borkh.) and pear (Pyrus communis, L.). Bulletin USAMV series 70(1-2)/2013, Print ISSN 1843-5262; Electronic ISSN 1843-536X.
Jakab-Ilyefalvi,Zs, Platon,I ., 2013.Preliminary results regarding root development of some apple, pear, plum rootstocks grown in nursery. Bulletin USAMV series 70(1-2)/2013, Print ISSN 1843-5262; Electronic ISSN 1843-536X.
Platon I . 2014. Program orientativ pentru prevenirea si combaterea integrata a buruienilor, bolilor si daunatorilor la speciile prun, cires si visin . Revista Protectia Plantelor editata de Societatea de Protectia Plantelor Transilvania. Vol.XXIV nr.93, mai 2014, pg.19-25
I.Platon, Zs.Jakab, F.Stanica . 2014. Effect of Planting System on two Apple varieties cultivated in the North Eastern part of Romania Acta Horticultutae 1058, ISHS 2014: pg.181-184
Jakab Zs., I.Platon, Angela Festila, 2014- Study on starch iodine test for determining maturation stage at several apple cultivars in correlation with climatic factors at SCDP Bistrita, using a one year model by means of image analysis in IMAGEJ . The Third International Conference „ Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, Bucuresti, 5-7 iunie 2014, Buletin Horticultura vol. LVIII. ISSN 2285-5653, pg. 43-50.